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Distinctive Christian Ethos

Our School Christian Vision


Our Ospringe school family’s Christian ethos: nurture- grow- succeed; is underpinned by Jesus’ mustard seed parable- from the smallest seeds grow the greatest shrubs (Mt13v31-32). Valuing our diverse community, together we embody our vision, “With God’s guidance; sowing the seeds of success; nurturing and inspiring pupils and adults to flourish."


Ospringe is a Church of England Primary School with a strong and caring Christian ethos. Our whole school ethos is encompassed by the three words, Nurture-Grow-Succeed. Our ethos is underpinned by our core Christian values of Compassion, Forgiveness, Equality, Honesty, Perseverance and Courage and our school vision statement "With God's guidance; sowing the seeds of success; nurturing and inspiring pupils and adults to flourish".

Jesus' image of a mustard seed offers a metaphor for this ongoing process of nurturing, growing and flourishing of the whole school community - from the smallest of seeds grows the greatest of shrubs. 


At Ospringe CE Primary School we provide a happy, nurturing and supportive environment founded on the principles of the Christian faith; helping to develop children’s spiritual growth and moral understanding. All members of our school community are valued and respected, so that everyone can have a positive attitude to themselves, others and life.

Our wellbeing team work closely with our parents to build strong partnerships. We believe the positive, nurturing ethos of the school ensures that all children enjoy school and experience success. The high levels of care, guidance and support ensure that every child is nurtured and supported irrespective of background or circumstance.

“Parents have a deep appreciation for all that you and your staff do for their children. They hold you and your staff in very high regard. They rightly believe that their children are safe and well taught. One parent who responded to the online survey wrote, ‘Staff are amazing and there is lots of after-school provision.’ Another parent commented, ‘I am always impressed by the feeling of community and social responsibility displayed by the pupils.’” Ofsted Report Nov 2017.



Educating children as they grow up and preparing them to lead safe, happy, healthy and successful lives is at the heart of what we do.

We believe that children need a caring, consistent environment where they are treated with respect and where their well-being is seen as paramount. We believe that each child should leave school with:

  • A sense of moral and spiritual awareness.
  • A sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.
  • A love of learning and the desire to achieve high standards.
  • A growing ability to relate to and communicate with other people.
  • A sense of their citizenship of the school and the wider community


We promote collective responsibility for raised standards and improved pupil outcomes by ensuring that everyone understands their role in contributing to the success of the school. We set high expectations to enable pupils to become effective, enthusiastic, independent learners. All members of our school community are passionate about treating children and others fairly, equitably, and with dignity and respect, and work together to maintain an inclusive school culture.



We recognise the potential for every individual to achieve excellence. We create a stimulating, safe and respectful learning environment where all members of our community work in partnership to achieve the best for every child.

We aim to raise each child’s level of achievement by providing a positive, enjoyable and stimulating environment in which a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum will help each child develop to achieve their full potential. Our curriculum is designed to excite and stimulate the children’s imaginations and creative thinking and includes frequent trips and guest visits to add to the experiences and opportunities available to the children.

We want our children to leave us as happy, confident, individual learners, who have acquired positive attitudes and values, enabling them to contribute to the world in which they live.



Please see About us - Key Information tab to view a copy of our latest SIAMS inspection.

Our Christian School Values and their associated biblical links

Our School Prayer

Our Christian values - please click to see next image

Our Prayer Board


Our School vision

R.E. Curriculum
