At Ospringe Primary School we believe that by developing a curriculum that is exciting and full of wonder, we can inspire our pupils and develop a love for learning and thirst for knowledge. We want the pupils at Ospringe to be able to think well and feel well so that they can contribute and belong to a better world. We want them to not only leave with the academic knowledge and skills they will need to succeed at secondary school, but also to have a love of learning and a sense of their own agency and importance in the world. We want them to feel they have a voice and a stake in the future.
We have constructed a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all pupils the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
You can find out more about our curriculum by looking at our Subject Overviews. We also add photographs and work to our Class Pages that show how our Curriculum is put into practice.
Please find below details of our curriculum. Should you need further information, please contact Mr Donal Friel, Assistant Headteacher, via the school e-mail or by calling 01795 532004.
We have adopted the use of the Jigsaw scheme of work and resources to provide a structured approach to Sex & Relationship Education (SRE) and Drug & Alcohol Education (D&A Ed.) across the school from Reception to Year 6.
These materials are endorsed by Kent Healthy Schools and the Health Promotion Service.
Each term a dedicated lesson will be provided for each year group in Sex and Relationship Education and another in Drug & Alcohol Education.
These subjects form part of our overall Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) curriculum which is based on the recommendations of the PSHE Society.