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Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Ospringe School Governing body.


Our School governors are people who help to take care of our school. The governing body at Ospringe CE Primary School is made up of members of the local and school community. The governors work as a team to make sure the school provides a good quality education for all of us! They work in partnership with our teachers and each class has their own governor to offer support. They also help with other areas of the curriculum and school life, including: reading support, school trips, sports events, assemblies and lots more. Governors hold important meetings to help make big decisions about the school's long term goals. They are a very important part of our school community.


Our Governing Board is structured into 4 committees, each with their remit own Terms of Reference. The committees are:

  • Finance and Estates - Chair: Mr Barry Hostead
  • Pastoral - Chair: Mr Murray Wilkinson
  • Pupil Progress - Chair: Mrs Sue Shepherd
  • Teaching and Learning - Chair: Mr Donal Friel (Deputy Headteacher)

To contact the Chair of Governors please write to Mr Justin Lovell, c/o Ospringe School, Water Lane, Faversham, Kent ME13 8TX


Steve Bassett

Steve Bassett has been a Governor at Ospringe for twelve years.

Steve is a senior police officer and has served in many different roles, predominantly in uniform. He is a Public Order Public Safety Commander and Advisor, Tactical Firearms Commander and an Operational Football Officer. He has experience of policing all over the country, including the 2011 London Riots, the Olympic Games, various high profile football matches and protests. He has led specialist officers at a multitude of policing operations, including being a Commander at the COP26 Conference in Glasgow, as well as at the state funeral of the late Queen.

Prior to joining Kent Police, Steve graduated from the University of Kent with a degree in British Constitutional Politics.

As well as being a Tottenham Hotspur supporter, Steve coaches his daughter's football team. Steve is married with two daughters (one at school, the other having spent her primary education here) and two black labradors.


  • Appointed: August 2022
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Co-opted Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; Steve's wife is a Teaching Assistant at the school.
  • Steve is a member of Finance, Staffing & Estates/Pay Committee and our Health and Safety Governor
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 5 out of 5 meetings


Nicola Batey

Nicola has lived in Faversham since 1991. She has taught in primary schools for over 30 years. Both her sons spent happy years at Ospringe school.

Nicola has for many years been an active member of the congregation at Ospringe church. She actively supports the GEM 72 initiative.

In her spare time Nicola enjoys creating fused glass art, cycling, gardening and being taken for walks by the family dog!

Nicola is a member of both the Pupil progress and Pastoral committees and also sits on the Headteacher Appraisal panel.


  • Appointed: June 2021
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Foundation Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Attendance last year: 3 out of 5 meetings


Lucy Elias

Lucy is a parent governor whose daughter is in year 1.
Lucy completed her MSc in Developmental Psychology in 2013 and since then has worked in mental health and neurodevelopmental assessment services. Lucy is currently a service manager for a local service undertaking neurodevelopmental assessment, treatment and wellbeing support across the lifespan.
Aside from managing a team, she is committed to developing service provision to support the wellbeing of individuals and their families.

Lucy is interested in student wellbeing and pastoral support and is keen to contribute her experience and knowledge to this role.

Away from the above, Lucy enjoys spending time with close family and friends. She loves Faversham has to offer in particular the strong community spirit. 

Appointed: November 2024
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed as a Parent Governor
No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
Attendance last year: N/A


John Higgs

John Higgs has lived in Faversham since 2012 and became a parent governor in June 2022. Both his daughters attend Ospringe school with the youngest just having started in year R.


Previously, he worked as a Senior Physiotherapist in the NHS, but traded his career to support his wife's veterinary business as an administrator on a part-time basis, whilst spending the rest of his time looking after his daughters. Now that both girls are in full time education, John has taken on the role of Practice Manager within the veterinary practice.


John has a passion for woodwork and DIY and over the last few years has become an influencer through sharing his hobby on social media and YouTube as a content creator.

Outside of his work and his hobby, John enjoys outdoor pursuits and is focused on improving his fitness through Karate training.

John  is also an active member of Barton Church and serves the church in a number of areas.



  • Appointed: June 2022
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Parent Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Attendance last year: 4 out of 5 meetings.


Barry Hostead

Barry Hostead joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in 2014 and has since become a Co-opted Governor.


During his time on the Governing Body, Barry has assumed various positions including; Online Safety Governor, Chair and Vice Chair of the Finance and Estates Committee and is currently Chair of the Finance Committee and Co-Vice Chair of the Governing Body.


Barry works for The John Lewis Partnership as Director of Data Management and Intelligent Platforms. Barry brings a deep knowledge of technology to the governing body with a key focus on data and analytics. Barry also holds the position of Trustee of the Board of Mid Kent Mind joining in June 2024.


Barry lives in Faversham with his wife and 2 boys, both of which attended the school and loved the nurturing environment the school provides.


  • Appointed: May 2021
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Co-opted Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests
  • Intra-governor or staff relationships – Barry’s wife is employed by the school as a class teacher.
  • Barry is the joint Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of the Finance, Staffing & Estates/Pay Committee
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 5 out of 5 meetings


Justin Lovell

Justin Lovell has been a Governor at Ospringe since 2009 and is our current Chair of Governors and a Local Authority Governor. Justin works in the UK Financial Services Industry, in the Insurance Broking sector, with 30 years’ experience in senior compliance and risk management roles.

Areas of expertise, supporting him in his role as governor, include; leadership, strategy, finance, policy management, regulatory / legal compliance and risk management.

Justin is married and the father of two grown-up daughters, both of whom were previous Ospringe pupils. He enjoys both the local countryside and its rich history and is particularly fond of live music. 


  • Appointed: December 2022
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a LA Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Justin is the Chair of Governors and also attends both the Pupil Progress and Finance, Staffing and Estates/ Pay Committees.
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 4 out of 5 meetings


Antony Manchester

Antony has lived in Faversham with his wife and three children since 2019. His youngest daughter attends the school, as did her sister before moving up to secondary school. His son is now at universityAntony works at a large financial services firm in the City as the co-head of public policy for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He is also a Common Councillor in the ward of Broadstreet in the City of London. He lived and worked in Brussels in Belgium for a number of years. There, he was Head of the Economic, Financial and Tax department of the UK Embassy to the EU. He has also held several other civil service roles, including with the Treasury, the Cabinet Office and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He has a degree in History from Durham University. Antony enjoys walking and cooking.



  • Appointed: May 2023
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Appointed as a Parent Governor.
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Antony is on the Finance and Estates committee.
  • Attendance last year: 4 out of 5 meetings.


Sally McCourt

I am a retired teacher, having worked in education since 1999 in Thanet and Rural Swale schools as a class teacher and member of the senior leadership teams.


My role at Ospringe CE Primary School began in January 2009, and involved teaching across both KS1 and KS2 classrooms. My role as Assistant Headteacher included many responsibilities, including that of a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Key Stage Leader, Subject Leader to name just a few! I have worked with many pupils, families and members of staff over the years, which has enabled me to gain a very good understanding of the needs of our school community. I am very proud to have worked at Ospringe CE school and enjoy continuing my work today as a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Governor.


My own children are fully fledged adults and today are parents themselves. I enjoy having free time available to spend with them, and supporting our young grandchildren when needed. I like to travel and experience life both in Europe and the USA, where we have family residing.


As a governor, I feel I am able to share my knowledge and understanding of many aspects of primary education when supporting the needs of the school; the environment; our families, our children and our staff, Having worked with the school for 15 years and more, I am very proud to work alongside our excellent school leaders and their teaching teams and look forward to meeting our families and children across the academic years ahead.


  • Appointed: September 2023
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Co-opted Governor
  • Business or pecuniary interests – Sally occasionally offers supply cover at school
  • Sally is a retired teacher.
  • No material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Sally is a member of the Pupil Progress Committee
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 4 out of 5 meetings


Carly McLean

Carly is a parent governor and has a son in year one. She is Canadian (holding a dual citizenship). Carly completed her education in Ontario, with a BaH in English Language and Literature (Queen's University) and a BEd in Secondary Education (University of Toronto), with a focus on inner city education. 


She currently works at The Whitstable School, as part of the English department, with a main responsibility for Key stage 4. She has also worked at Thamesview School, Gravesend, as the Whole School Literacy Coordinator, and has spent much of the last 5 years focusing on Disciplinary Literacy and Literacy gaps, including phonic gaps at the secondary level, ensuring all staff embed literacy into their classroom practice. She oversees the schools award winning library and all curriculum that comes through the library space. 


Carly has a keen interest in SEN and Pupil Premium and how they intersect with Literacy. She also has a background in Outdoor Education, having worked at a residential summer camp in Canada for 7 years, where she designed, and facilitated programming for campers, and managed staff. 


  • Appointed: November 2023
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Parent Governor.
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Attendance last year: 4 out of 4 meetings.


James Medhurst (No longer serving)

James has lived in Faversham since 2008 and was elected as a Parent Governor in 2021. He has one child at the school. James works locally as a driving instructor having previously worked in education as an assistant headteacher and a teacher of physical education and science. James brings experience of behaviour management, pastoral care and safeguarding to the role. James has a keen interest in sport, playing and coaching cricket for a local club and enjoying an occasional game of golf. He volunteers at a local football club, helping with the running of a junior team. 


  • Appointed: June 2021 
  • Resigned: October 2024
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Parent Governor.
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Attendance last year: 4 out of 5 meetings


Sue Shepherd

Sue Shepherd has been involved with Ospringe School since she first became a pupil here in the 1960’s. She has maintained links with the school through her mother who worked in the school and other family members, partaking in various fundraising activities and social functions. Sue’s four children attended the school and now her Grandson is continuing the tradition. She continues to help with the 'Friends of Ospringe School' fundraising activities and other school events. She became a governor in 2009. Sue is regularly in school as she assists with the Better Reading Partnership scheme, which helps provide additional reading opportunities for pupils in the school who need extra help. Sue is also often involved in the school plays and productions, both backstage and with the props. Sue is also a driver of the school minibus whenever she is needed. Sue works as the Welfare Officer at the Faversham Gym Club and as an Assistant Coach specifically with the pre -school children. She is also is a qualified Youth Worker, with over thirty years’ experience. Sue has an interest in prop making and is part of the Up the Creek Pantomime Society.


  • Appointed: September 2022
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Co-opted Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Sue is a member of the Pastoral and Pupil Progress Committee
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 5 out of 5 meetings


Clare Walsh

Hi my name is Clare Walsh and I have been a member of the Ospringe staff team since my appointment as a teaching assistant in 2012.  I have always worked with children but before starting here my experience was gained in early years education in which I spent 18 years in various nursery settings and gained a Foundation Degree in my specialism.  During my time at Ospringe, I have worked across both key stages and I'm currently the manager of the breakfast club provision as well as having achieved a Higher Level Teaching Assistant status to further develop my understanding of my professional role.  I am passionate about every child being given the quality opportunities they need to be able to grow and learn, and that for them to be able to access them effectively and safely to their individual requirements.  I feel within my role as staff governor I can contribute by sharing my knowledge of the school community, the teaching and learning that goes on within and hopefully assist in making informed decisions which will have positive outcomes for all. 

I live with my husband, two adult children and a rescue dog who is slightly scatty.  I am lifelong resident of Faversham and like to enjoy what our town has to offer especially the swimming pool and pubs!  My passion is books, I will read any literature my particular favourite though is Royal history.  I have a love of good food and enjoy creating my own culinary delights’ in the kitchen but do prefer a meal out with family and friends.


  • Appointed: September 2022
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Appointed as a staff governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Attendance last year: 5 out of 5 meetings.


Murray Wilkinson

Murray was appointed Ex-Officio Governor in May 2020. He chairs the Pastoral Committee and his key responsibility is Religious Education and Collective Worship. He has recently retrained as a physics teacher, and has just started teaching at a college in Canterbury. Murray has a degree in Zoology from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, but spent fifteen years working for the Church of England in various ministry roles.

Murray’s career in youth and children’s ministry included working at a small suburban Methodist Church in Cape Town, then a village Church of England parish in West Kent where he was also appointed as lay Chaplain of Brenchley & Matfield CEP. He worked as bishop’s adviser for the Diocese of Canterbury from 2010 to 2019 where he was able to raise the profile of youth and children's ministry in the Diocese, and was the National Growing Faith Enabler for the Church of England's Education Office, in which he worked with the dioceses across England to bring the 'three spheres' of church, household and school into partnership, for the spiritual development of children and young people.

Murray has two daughters at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School in Faversham. He is married to Gina, a Secondary school Maths teacher, plays guitar and a little piano, still enjoys the delights of LEGO® and watches more films than his diary suggests possible.


  • Appointed: May 2020
  • Term of Office: On-going, as arranged by the Diocese
  • Appointed as a Ex-Officio Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Murray is joint Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of the Pastoral Committee
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 3 out of 5 meetings


Rocyn Williams

Rocyn Williams  is a Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Canterbury. He has held governor roles since May 2017. Born in Swansea, in the last century, he attended a small country school on the Gower peninsula.

He graduated from the University of Wales, Cardiff, in Applied Science.

The majority of his career was spent based in Belgium working around the world. He ended up heading a worldwide team selling light sources for specialised applications.

He specialised in organisation process improvement, budget management and organisation evolution.

Along the way he collected a working knowledge of several foreign languages.

A role swap with his wife, Sarah, in 2003 lead to him working as a consultant with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on specialist projects in Poland and Russia.

They returned to the UK in 2003 when Sarah became a priest in the Church of England.

His experience convinces him that smaller schools can deliver quality education. Also that children should be actively encouraged to be comfortable with sciences and foreign languages.

As a regular member of Ospringe Parish Church the links between the parish church and the school are also important to him. Rocyn is also linked to the school's Opal play programme.


  • Appointed: June 2021
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Foundation Governor
  • No business or pecuniary interests; or material interests arising from intra-governor or staff relationships.
  • Rocyn is a member of the Pastoral and Finance, Staffing & Estates/Pay
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 4 out of 5 meetings


Cheryl Winton

Cheryl Winton has been a governor at Ospringe school for 25 years joining as a parent governor and now as a co-opted governor. Cheryl is co-owner of Teddies pre-school and has worked there for the last 20 years and so is very knowledgeable regarding the Early Years Foundation Stage which is also used in reception. Cheryl has a long association with Ospringe School with all five of her children going through the school. Two of her grandchildren are now at Ospringe. She also still helps at events that the school holds. Cheryl spends most of her spare time with her children and many grandchildren who keep her very busy.


  • Appointed: August 2022
  • Term of Office: 4 Years
  • Appointed as a Co-opted Governor
  • Business or pecuniary interests – Cheryl is employed by Teddies Pre-School which is located on the school site
  • Intra-governor or staff relationships – Cheryl’s daughter works in the school office
  • Attendance last year: Governor Body Meetings: 5 out of 5 meetings


