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I am delighted to welcome you to the Ospringe Church of England Primary

School website.  Ospringe is a Church of England Primary School with a strong and caring Christian ethos which is encompassed by the three words, Nurture – Grow – Succeed.  Our ethos is underpinned by our core Christian values of Compassion, Forgiveness, Equality, Honesty, Perseverance and Courage and our school vision statement “With God’s guidance; sowing the seeds of success; nurturing and inspiring pupils and adults to flourish ”.


At Ospringe CE Primary School individuals are valued and helped to achieve their personal best. Children are supported in becoming confident and independent young people, who thrive on challenge, and are motivated to learn. All schools have their own distinctive 'feel' which makes each one unique. We believe that the ‘special feel’ at Ospringe CE Primary comes from our nurturing, supportive and friendly environment.


I am extremely proud to lead a team that is committed to our children's well-being, achieving high standards and providing the very best opportunities for all in our care. Staff, supported by governors, work hard to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum; to prepare children for future education; and to help them acquire the skills and enthusiasm needed to embrace the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


The school was last inspected by Ofsted in June 2023 where it was noted that the school continues to be good.

“Pupils thoroughly enjoy attending Ospringe school. A culture of kindness and care pervades the school. Everyone is welcome, included and appreciated. Pupils feel happy and safe. They benefit from warm and productive relationships with the staff and their friends. Pupils say there is no bullying in the school and that they trust adults to help them with any worries that do arise. The school's ethos of 'Nurture-Grow-Succeed' is apparent in all aspects of school life. There is a strong focus on emotional wellbeing, based on leaders' view that 'to learn well, you need to feel well'. In addition, leaders and staff set high expectations for pupils' effort and behaviour. Pupils successfully rise to these ambitions. Ofsted report June 2023.


The full report is available on this website under the 'About Us' - 'Key Information' tabs.


We hope you enjoy looking at our school website and visits to the school are always warmly invited if you would like to find out more.

Mrs Amanda Ralph. Headteacher.


